Typewriter poetry is a fun medium and tool I've been exploring for nearly a decade. In fact, I bought a typewriter before I bought a bed when I made my move from my Native Missouri to Seattle, WA in 2018!
I love bringing my typewriter to public markets and events and "typebusking" - e.g. writing poems on demand for folks. My process is simple: you pick a postcard drawing of mine that most resonates with you, you hold it close to you to load it with energy, we have a conversation where I ask some questions, I write you a poem, and then I read it outloud before giving it back to you! I am frequently amazed at the level of intimacy and vulnerability that gets created in these special moments. Tears are often shed and it is so beautiful!
I document my various poetry popups and other poetry writing sessions on my TikTok: tiktok.com/@beedle.thepoet